Tuesday, September 24, 2013

ABC's and Reading

Ok, so I've been a total slacker on this one... I started this ABC book for the kiddos forever ago and I may get it done by the time the kids are in college LOL.  But seriously, now that my 3 year old is really getting into the alphabet (he actually knows the whole alphabet... in order!) and is learning to identify the letters, I'm realizing that there is an issue with the different styles of font. He can identify most of the letters in a sans serif style of font, but when you add the little squigglies and stuff with serif fonts, he's still a little confused.  It throws him off.  So I've decided to change up my ABC book a bit and have a serif, sans serif and cursive font on the letter page.  Here's what I've come up with for the A page to show you what I mean:

Since they don't teach cursive writing in school anymore (at least, not around here) I feel it necessary to teach my child how to write in cursive.  It's a lost art, really.  And I don't want my two little ones to be like my stepson whowriteswithoutspacesoranypunctuationtothepointwhereyoucan'tbarelyreadhiswritingatall.  I had a hard time typing that, I automatically put spaces in without even thinking.  I don't know how he can write without spaces or any punctuation to the point where you can't barely read his writing at all.  UGH, it drives me nuts.  But, he's 19 and has moved out, so I don't have to go over anymore of his homework, thank goodness!  But I'm going to work with these two little ones of mine, like my mother worked with me.  Thankfully, the 3 year old really likes books.  I'm hoping the 1 year old will too.

Feel free to use these ABC pages that I make for your own personal use.  I'll post more as I get them done.  And if you want to link back to my blog, that would be super nice, but not necessary.  Although I'd love to hear if you like what I've done on here.  

Thanks for stopping by today.  Speaking of learning your letters, which leads to reading... how's your Banned Books Week going?  Did you pick a book?  Which one did you pick?  I'm working on Moby Dick.  It's a book I never got a chance to get through, but have always wanted to read.  

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